Butterflies are advanced insects and they have a "complete" life cycle. This means that there are four separate stages of their life. Each stage looks completely different and serves a different purpose in the life of the insect.
The egg is a tiny, round, oval, object. It usually has fine ribs and other microscopic structures. The females attach the eggs to leaves, stems, or other objects and the location is usually on or near the intended caterpillar food.
The caterpillar (or larva) is the long, worm-like stage of the butterfly. It usually has an interesting pattern of stripes or patches. It may also have spine-like hairs. This is the feeding and growth stage. As it grows, it will shed its skin four or more times to enclose its rapidly growing body.
The adult (or imago) is the colorful butterfly which is usually seen. It is the reproductive and mobile stage for the species. The adults undergo courtship, mating, and egg-laying. The adult butterfly is also the stage that migrates or colonizes new habitats. The butterflies pictured here in this blog are Monarchs, which are fairly large in size. The Monarch's wingspan is 3 3/8 - 4 7/8 inches (8.6 - 12.4 cm).