Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Flowers Attract the Butterfiles!

There’s no need for a butterfly net when have beautiful flowers that attract butterflies into your garden to stay!

By filling your garden with gorgeous blooms and alluring fragrances you will have magnets for monarchs, skippers, swallowtails, and longtails. Flowers that are scented with citrus, spicy, earthy, or sweet floral notes perfume the air as you walk by. This is can be very inviting for you to pause and enjoy the blooms along with the butterflies.  Adding these fragrant flowers will attract butterflies to your sun garden. They’ll bring your garden to life in a whole new way as colorful butterflies flutter from flower to flower and each visit will create a new scene to admire and appreciate.

Some of my favorite flowers that attract butterflies include lavender, coneflower, sage, goldenrod, bee balm, anise hyssop, and of course butterfly bushes. These flowers will definitely make your garden a favorite spot for collecting nectar. Along with these garden classics for attracting butterflies, you can mix and match other sun-loving flowers, shrubs, succulents, and grasses into the collections to add contrast, color, fullness, and fragrance. Choosing the flowers you want to have in your butterfly garden might just be your biggest gardening challenge yet!

There is just no more of a perfect pairing than butterflies and flowers! Soon you will be hooked on adding fragrance and inviting butterflies into your garden just like we are!  Stop by and see us or give us a call to learn more!

Todd T. Michaels, Keystone Garden Centre