Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Butterflies at Christmas!

I really love butterflies! Even at Christmas! I love seeing them fluttering above the branches of my Christmas tree! I know they're not traditional Christmas decorations, but I just think they are so delicate and beautiful!

I have a few tricks with you to make butterflies a beautiful part of your Christmas decorating. Some of my ideas involve butterfly picks and I thought I'd share some of my favorite butterfly Christmas decorations and ornaments.

One little trick I have is to use butterfly picks. You can find these in the floral section of almost any craft store. I wire them to the branches of the trees so the butterflies look like they're floating just above the branches. It's a gorgeous effect.

Here are some of my butterfly ornaments. I hope you enjoy checking them out.

Merry Christmas!

Todd Tesone Michaels

Owner, Keystone Garden Centre

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